The Women & Watch Club, the first watch club only for women

By MyWatch

The first women’s watch club, The Women & Watch club, has been created thanks to Elisabeth Vilarrasa and the sponsorship of Bucherer in Paris.

Elisabeth Vilarrasa, founder of The Women & Watch Club

This club, unprecedented to date and composed by women between age 35 to 55, aims to bring together passionates for exclusive meetings around watchmaking workshops, events, visits of manufactories and conferences.

“Learn, exchange, and share together around a common passion are the expectations of women who join our club” says Elisabeth Vilarrasa, founder of The Women & Watch Club.
“Being a sponsor of The Women & Watch Club allows us to highlight, and above all, to transmit and share our watchmaking expertise, to promote the values of our craft through these new ambassadors” continues Nathalie CELIA Koch-Chevalier, general director of Bucherer France.

The Women & Watch Club and Bucherer meet together around common values such as respect, sharing and transmission in order to highlight the know-how, daring, creation and innovation that are own to watchmaking.

Bucherer and The Women & Watch Club have the same desire to guide women on a journey placed under the sign of the time.

12 boulevard des Capucines
75009 Paris